Klima- und Ressourcenschonung
Unsere fortlaufenden Bemühungen bestehen darin, Energie und Wasser zu sparen, zu Recyceln, umweltfreundliche Produkte zu verwenden und dabei mitzuhelfen, das Bewusstsein für Umweltthemen zu stärken.
Uber Arena is committed to reducing our environmental impact. Our ongoing efforts are to conserve energy and water, recycle, use environmentally friendly products, and help raise awareness of environmental issues.
With the non-profit association Anschutz hilft e.V., the Anschutz Entertainment Group launched an initiative more than 10 years ago that has since supported and promoted selected charitable projects in the immediate vicinity of the Uber Arena.
Unsere fortlaufenden Bemühungen bestehen darin, Energie und Wasser zu sparen, zu Recyceln, umweltfreundliche Produkte zu verwenden und dabei mitzuhelfen, das Bewusstsein für Umweltthemen zu stärken.
Visitors to the Uber Arena will receive their drinks at events in recycled Ökocups, which will be cleaned in an in-house dishwashing facility after use. By switching to reusable cups, a deposit cup system will be introduced at Uber Arena, where no cup will leave the arena and thus remain in the recycling loop.
Uber Arena are delighted to announce that it has achieved the Greener Arena Improvers Certification 2024.